Tuesday, August 19, 2014


There are two types of planes in Mathematics.Real and Complex plane.In comppex plane  z=x+iy  and w= u+iv are two complex variables.If variables x,y traces out a curve in z plane then corrosponding u,v also traces out a curve in w plane. This functional relation between z and w is called Mapping.
Two types of Mapping
1) Conformal mapping
2) Isogonal mapping

W= z^2 is conformal mapping.in which straight lines always convert into parabola.
This tranaformation converts straight lines x = a of Z plane into  parabolas on positive of u axis and coverts straight lines y=a into parabolas into negative of u axis..
This tranaform converts first quadrant of z plne into upper half of w plane and
Upper half of z plane into whole of the w plane..

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